Meet NovaNova is a conversation AI interface designed to help users navigate their anxiety through guided, interactive mindfulness exercises. To engage with Nova in real-time, a live prototype is accessible on desktop.
UX + Visual Designer 🙋🏻For this conceptual exploration, I focused on developing the UX flow of the assistant as well as the various interface screens and assets for mobile. I also collaboratively built and refined the visual identity and color + type system of Nova.
Nova's States & Interactions
Nova acts as a presence that actively guides a user through a difficult moment. When interacting with Nova, the assistant will change into different states based on the user's voice input.
Co-creating a Landscape with Nova
Nova's main feature is to guide the user through a visualization landscape. As the user provides inputs on what they want to see, Nova abstractly creates the calm, safe space for them.
Reviewing & Sharing Session Data
Overtime, Nova keeps a transcript record of the user’s journey, helping track their progress with anxiety. Nova also acts a mediator between the user and their therapist, sharing relevant data when desired.
Communication through Motion
Nova visually communicates with the user through 8 different states. Its form and movement were designed to offer a calming and meditative experience for the user during the conversation.
Designing a Multimodal Voice User InterfaceOur challenge was to create a multi modal voice assistant that would explore how conversational AI could understand and interact with complex human behaviors and needs. In thinking about existing problem spaces, we decided to scope in on an assistant focused on the area of mindfulness.
COMPETITIVE ANALYSISAnalyzing Existing Mindfulness Apps and Programs
To ground our voice user interface, we started by thoroughly exploring the existing user experience of two apps: Mindshift and Calm Harm. We also referenced a few other mindfulness applications like Headspace and Balance.
Mindshift is a free self-help anxiety relief app that helps users reduce worry, stress, and panic by following CBT evidence-based strategies.
1. While Mindshift centers around educating their users about different symptoms of anxiety, there is less focused on action-based techniques for relieving anxiety.
2. There is a lot of text at each stage of the use which complicates the entire experience. A user experiencing anxiety would not want to be overwhelmed with the number of options presented on this app.
COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS & pain pointsCalm Harm
Calm Harm is a free app based in DBT that provides tasks to help you resist or manage the urge to self-harm.
1. Calm Harm presents too many options and tasks for users, likely at those moments the user will not want to have to read through so many potential tasks.
2. Many of the tasks were not accessible and required materials like "bubble wrap" that the user might not have on hand at that moment.
RESEARCHAnxiety Coping Techniques
After our competitive analysis, we decided that the voice user interface would actively be guiding the user through moments of anxiety. We researched a variety of scientifically proven exercises to calm the mind.
We decided to focus on Breathing, Guided Visualizations, and Verbal Reassurance as the different techniques Nova employs for the user.
Visual + DESIGN SYSTEMBuilding an Identity for NovaNova's final visual identity takes inspiration from calming references to our natural world: the moon, water, and landscapes. We used abstracted gradients to create an identity that felt soothing, gentle, and present. To further emphasize the reference to the moon, we named the assistant Nova.
Gentle and Soothing Movements
The motion of Nova continues to play off the gentle and soothing identity that we came up with its final visuals. To visually communicate with the user, we created eight different motion states that feel as it is someone slowly guiding the user through difficult times step by step.
explorationsFinding Inspiration from the Natural WorldBecause our VUI is focused on anxiety relief, we wanted our visual identity to be approachable, soft, and calming. We considered both abstract (amorphous shapes, gradients, blobs, linework) and concrete (lava lamps, landscapes, a VUI character) methods of representation.
We decided for a more abstract representation because the nature of emotions, feelings, and thoughts is non-pictorial, ambiguous, and imaginary.
SKETCHINGAn Amorphous BlobIndividually, we sketched color and form explorations of how Nova would react to voice and transition between states. Because our form and colors are so amorphous, it was difficult to distinguish between some state changes with our initial sketches.
explorationsColor & Form
In our explorations, we also considered shape and size of the overall form, and the different colors of different states and how that would transition. We experimented with concentric circles, radial vs. linear gradients, layered shapes, etc.
We decided to confine Nova to a concrete circle shape with fluid and dynamic color movement inside. We experimented with more gradient styles, and thought about what colors can emulate and respond to certain emotions (ex. warmer colors for the reassuring state).
The Mobile ExperienceTo complete the mobile experience, we prototyped other features and screens. After the user concludes their conversation with Nova, they have the option to send a transcript of the conversation to their therapist.
The user can also review all past conversations with Nova by scrolling through the session calendar. Here, days when the user interacted with Nova are indicated in a lighter purple circle.
OVERVIEWOther Visualization LandscapesAs a fun addition to our visualization feature, we also mocked up other landscapes and environments users can potentially create with Nova.
user flowUser FlowWe created a user flow to indicate the main touch points a user would have with Nova. Purple-filled boxes indicate the user's actions and stroke-only show how Nova would respond to that specific interaction.
overviewMany IterationsThroughout the process, we made many iterations of the UI screens to play with hierarchy of information, placement and scale of Nova, and how text would be treated to provide a fluid conversational experience for the user.
explorationPlacement and Scale of NovaAs we began designing the mobile screens for Nova, we explored placement, scale, typesetting, and background color. We decided on the dark background because of how vibrant Nova's gradients look against it.
TYPE SETTINGConversational Type-SettingWe created many explorations for how the real-time text would appear on the screen. We considered rectangle boxes to distinguish between Nova and the user, but didn't want the conversation to feel like a text message chat.
After rethinking our visuals, we concluded that keeping the screen as simple as possible with the text just appearing would still be an effective animation to transcribe the conversation.